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Tottenhall Infant School

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SEND at Tottenhall

We provide a safe, caring, stimulating environment to children and families within a diverse community. We focus on striving to ensure all pupils achieve their potential. Children are valued for their individuality and are supported to overcome any barriers to learning through a dedicated team of teachers and support staff providing appropriate interventions and strategies in partnership with parents. Staff are committed to maintaining high standards to support children with a range of complex needs. The purposeful and happy working environment results in children being enthusiastic about their learning.

All children and their individual abilities are valued at Tottenhall Infant School and we work hard to identify and start to meet the needs of any child as early as possible. This may be a Special Educational Need related to their physical, emotional and behavioural, communication and interaction or learning development. We recognise that there are some children who present differently between home and school. At Tottenhall we want to work together with parents to share information so that we get to know the whole child and can plan for the best outcome.

The SEND policy complies with the statutory requirements laid out in the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 (2014).

Nina Dean is our school SENDCo. She is the person responsible for managing the schools provision for pupils with SEND.

Enfield’s Local Offer can be found here.

Parents of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) praise the support provided for their children. 

Ofsted Report – 2021

Pupils with SEND learn well, including in early years. Adults check that pupils understand what they are learning and adapt work to meet their needs.

Ofsted Report – 2021

Policy & Information

Special Educational Needs and Disability PolicySEND Information Report

Where can I go for help?

The Healthy Parent Carers’ Programme

Enfield Communication Advisory Support Service

Enfield Advisory Service for Autism – Parent Support Offer

Enfield Advisory Service for Autism 

Parent Workshops, Presentations, and Drop-ins

SEN Magazine – Jan/Feb issue

Social, emotional and mental health  · Enfield Council

National Autistic Society

Help at Home

Our voice Enfield is a parent-led organisation, working with parents and carers, as well as the statutory and voluntary sectors.

Tiny Happy People to help you develop your child’s language skills. Simple and fun activities to try at home.10 Things To Do With Plastic Bottles

10 Things To Do With Playdough

10 Things To Do With Toilet Roll Tubes

 Home Routine Visuals 


 Tel: 020 8829 1100


SENDCo Contact – Nina Dean at senco@tottenhall.enfield.sch.uk