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Tottenhall Infant School

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Parent Voice

Parent Voice – Have Your Say

YOUR VOICE MATTERS: We’re always happy to hear your questions, comments and concerns as we continually look for ways to improve our school to make it the best it possibly can be for our pupils – your children.

One of the ways that you can share your thoughts with us is through our ‘Valuing Parent Voice’ questionnaire, the last of which was completed in December 2020, and we are delighted to see the positive feedback and suggestions for further improvements. Thank you for taking the time to complete this for us.

One parent captured the views of many parents and carers in saying: ‘This is a nurturing and caring school.’

Ofsted Report – 2021

Parents recognise the improvements that leaders have made. They value the extra opportunities offered to their children, such as after-school clubs

Ofsted Report – 2021


strongly agree

and agree %

Disagree and

strongly disagree %

Don’t know %
My child is happy and enjoys school 97 2 1
My child feels safe in school 97 0 2
My child makes good progress at this school 95 3 2
My child receives appropriate homework for their age 90 7 3
This school makes sure its pupils are well behaved 91 2 7
This school deals effectively with bullying 91 6 34
This school is well led and managed 94 0 7
This school responds well to any concerns I raise 90 2 8
I receive valuable information from the school about my child’s progress 87 11 2
Would you recommend this school to another parent? 91 2 7

What You Said

“School has been wonderfully supportive, communication with the staff is excellent, my child has made some real progress , we are very happy as a family”

 “My little one started nursery and he absolutely loves every minute of it. He even asks why he is home at the weekend. Thanks to all dedication and hard working team”

 “In the last couple of years the school has remarkably improved in areas of teaching, facilities, and communication. Very very pleased how Tottenhall has responded to the Coronavirus pandemic and making all the children feel safe and welcome. Really impressed with all the improvements”

 “My son is in reception and I couldn’t be more impressed with how well the teachers and support staff have done welcoming them into the school at such a difficult time. The teachers go above and beyond with giving parents information regarding kids learning and how to support at home via email, you tube, Instagram and text. The teachers always have time to answer questions and all staff all the way up to the headteacher are very present and around”

What We Could Be Doing Even Better

  • Ensuring that all children receive appropriate homework for their age
  • Signpost parents to information about how Tottenhall Infant School tackles bullying. You can view our Anti-Bullying Policy here
  • Provide further opportunities to discuss children’s progress with parents and carers

What to do if you have a question or concern

If you have a question or concern that you wish to bring to our attention, please see your class teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership team who are at the gate in the morning and afternoon.