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Tottenhall Infant School

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Eco School

We are a Green Flag school.  The Green Flag is an award accredited to schools that take steps to work together with the community to support global sustainability and climate action.

Every year we participate in a voting process to select our eco member for each class. This committee has a very important role to play in working with the school community to develop an action plan addressing environmental issues that we can contribute to.

It is essential that we all support and collaborate with the eco committee in their initiatives to make our school a more environmentally friendly place. By working together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and create a better future for all.


Eco Committee


Zaheen – Headteacher        Patricia – EYFS Practitioner              Soulla- Office Manger

   Sariah- Year 2                   Daniyal – Year 1                             Boris- Reception

       Raiell – Year 2                   Mara- Year 1                                   Ronak – Reception


Action Plan

Eco Committee Action Plan


Working in partnership with St Michael at Bowes Primary School to keep our streets litter free.