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Tottenhall Infant School

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Early Years Foundation Stage

Nursery & Reception

A Special Learning Environment

At Tottenhall Infant School we offer a secure and welcoming environment in which all children can learn and grow. We provide the highest quality learning environment and provision, both indoors and outdoors, ensuring it is safe, stimulating, and nurturing. This enables your children to grow into confident and independent life-long learners. Our sensitive, experienced, and qualified practitioners continually develop the rich learning environment through observing the children and then developing the classrooms and provision to ensure we meet your child’s individual needs whilst offering a good level of challenge.

We aim to foster your child’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical development by offering your child:

  • An environment where your child will feel safe, secure, welcomed, stimulated and challenged
  • First hand experiences which are exciting, fun, purposeful and relevant to their world
  • Long periods of uninterrupted play
  • Time to talk and share through play partnering
  • Opportunities for energetic and physical play
  • Relationships which foster independence
  • Encouragement to be responsible and caring towards their environment and each other
  • Opportunities to observe, investigate and explore their environment

At Tottenhall we value play and believe in its importance as part of the learning process.

Home-School Partnership

We work in close partnership with every family to ensure all children are provided with the highest quality learning. We have an open door policy so if you have any questions or queries, do see your class teacher; we ask this is at the end of the day when all the children have been dismissed to ensure safety.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework

The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage is mandatory for all early years providers and outlines the learning and development requirements as well as safeguarding and welfare requirements we must meet.

There are 7 areas of learning and development that must shape our curriculum

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

The Early Learning Goals summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all children should have gained by the end of the Reception year and we offer a curriculum to support all children to achieve this. We consider the individual needs, interests, and development of each child and we use this information to plan challenging and enjoyable experiences.


To find out how to apply to our Nursery or Reception, please click here.


In the Reception and Nursery classes, children settle in quickly. They enjoy exploring the exciting outdoor spaces. Here, they learn about taking turns, making friends and looking after one another. The well-planned curriculum ensures that they are prepared for learning in Year 1.

Ofsted Report – 2022


Follow us on Instagram to find out about what we get up to in Nursery and Reception at Tottenhall Infant School.



Information for Parents

Time Together Fun and Simple activities to do with Young Children at Home

Development Matters – Revised 2021

Information for Parents – Reception Baseline Assessment

Advice for Parents

Characteristics of Effective Learning

Tiny Happy People – to help you develop your child’s language skills. Simple and fun activities to try at home

What to Expect, When?

School Readiness

Logging into LetterJoin

Mathletics Parent Tour

Parent Curriculum Information

Yearly Overview

Reception Curriculum Map 2024-25


Reception Autumn Term Curriculum Meeting 2024


Reception Spring Term Curriculum Meeting 2025. 

What did Ofsted say?

‘The early years provision gives children a rich and motivating learning environment. They enjoy exploring the many opportunities that the stimulating resources provide.’


‘Children’s social development is good. Relationships between adults and children are very friendly. Routines are well established and this helps children settle quickly and well.’


‘Adults provide high levels of care and encouragement. This ensures that children feel safe, develop confidence and learn to be both independent and to work together. Behaviour is good. All the appropriate welfare and safeguarding requirements are met in the provision.’


‘Parents are very positive about the effectiveness of the early years provision and the quality of care and support for their children. They very much appreciate the staff’s ongoing support and the opportunities that adults provide to involve parents in their children’s learning and development.’